PT Wana Bakti Persada Utama

We are committed to maintaining a balance between production, conservation, and social responsibility that impacts the community’s welfare in the concession area, through multi-business practices and responsible forest management to support nature protection.

Our Concession Area

In our approach, there is a commitment to maintain balance - we strive to maintain a balance between conservation, production, and social responsibility in our efforts to utilize our forests.

44.402 ha

Total Concession Area

30 Years

Concession Permit

Wehea Kelay

Key biodiversity area

A Conservation Haven

PT Wana Bakti Persada Utama boasts a range of favorable characteristics from a conservation perspective :

Mature Forests

Our large areas contain unmodified mature forest structures that have sequestered significant carbon with minimal deforestation to date.

Minimal Intrusion

Our remote location has deterred illegal land clearing activity, ensuring the integrity of our forests.

Protected Landscape

Situated within a landscape of protected forests, we are devoted to safeguarding biodiversity.

Heart of Borneo

We proudly operate within the Heart of Borneo conservation area, contributing to the preservation of this global treasure.

Our Concession Location

Implementation of Sustainable Forest Management

Our commitment to sustainable forest management is strengthening. We support responsible forest management by developing sustainable forest management approaches. These encompass production, social and environmental aspects, and conflict resolution. We place a high priority on low-emission logging practices and low-carbon impact harvesting methodologies (RIL-C).

Journey to PT Wana Bakti Persada Utama (WBPU)


PT WBPU Bersama YKAN Gelar Pelatihan Kelola Sosial dan Pengenalan SIGAP Untuk Staf Operasional Lapangan

PT WBPU Together with YKAN Holds Social Management Training and Introduction to SIGAP for Field Operational Staff

PT Wana Bakti Persada Utama (WBPU) together with the Nusantara Nature Conservation Foundation (YKAN), from 6 to 8 October 2024 held Social Management and Introduction to SIGAP training for field operational staff.

PT WBPU Gelar Acara Syukuran Pembukaan Area RKT 2024 bersama Masyarakat Adat di Kampung Long Pelay

PT WBPU Holds a Celebration Event for the Opening of the 2024 Annual Work Plan Area with Indigenous Peoples in Long Pelay Village

PT Wana Bakti Persada Utama (WBPU) held a thanksgiving event on October 14 2024, involving the indigenous community in Long Pelay Village as a form of respect for local traditions and the company's commitment to maintaining good relations with the surrounding community.

PT WBPU Bekerjasama dengan YKAN dan UGM Terkait Penelitian Efektifitas Penerapan Metode RIL-C di Area Konsesi Perusahaan

PT WBPU Collaborates with YKAN and UGM Regarding Research on the Effectiveness of Implementing the RIL-C Method in Company Concession Areas

As a production forest company committed to the principle of sustainability, PT Wana Bakti Persada Utama (WBPU) realizes that forest management practices must continue to be updated and adapted to technological developments and regulations that are more environmentally friendly.