PT WBPU Holds Forest Product Administration Information System (SIPUHH) Training

Indonesia's forest industry is one of the main economic sectors that makes a significant contribution to the country's economy. In this context, private production forest companies such as PT Wana Bakti Persada Utama (WBPU) play an important role in the sustainable use and management of forest resources.
Intensive Silviculture Approach at PT WBPU as an Implementation of the RIL-C Method

In the midst of ever-increasing demands for wood resources, the forestry industry in Indonesia is at a crossroads that demands innovation in forest management. One approach that is increasingly being considered is intensive silviculture, a strategy that focuses on increasing forest productivity through the use of techniques and greater human intervention.
PT WBPU helps Long Lamcin and Long Pelay Villages Develop Medium-Term Development Plans

Achieving sustainable village development is a goal for many parties, including the government, local communities and the private sector. Private production forest companies such as PT Wana Bakti Persada Utama (WBPU) have considerable potential to partner with villages in preparing their medium term development plans strategically.
PT WBPU Commences Cruising Activities by Involving Indigenous Communities Around the Concession Area

PT Wana Bakti Persada Utama (WBPU) has begun carrying out cruising activities in the company's production forest concession area. The cruising activity itself is a survey or mapping activity carried out in a forest concession to evaluate the existing timber potential.
PT WBPU Strategy in Production Forest Management to Achieve the 2030 Net Sink FOLU Target

Indonesia, with its abundant natural wealth, has great challenges and responsibilities in protecting its ecosystem, especially production forests. As one of the countries with the largest forest area in the world, Indonesia has an important role in global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and maintain environmental balance.
100% Forest Inventory as PT WBPU's commitment to carrying out the RIL-C stages

Indonesia, as a country with abundant natural wealth, has a forestry sector which is one of the economic pillars. Production forest management, including production forest concessions, is a key element in maintaining a balance between the use of natural resources and environmental conservation. Forestry practices play an important role in balancing the need for wood and environmental conservation.
PHPL Certification Activities in the PT WBPU Production Forest Concession Area

In the midst of concerns about the impact of climate change and the decline in environmental quality, forest conservation efforts are becoming increasingly crucial. In Indonesia, as a country with abundant natural wealth, the existence of production forests is very vital. To ensure sustainable forest management, Sustainable Production Forest Management Certification (PHPL) is an irreplaceable standard.
Production Forests and the Parties Who May Manage Them in Indonesia

Forests are one of the most valuable natural assets for Indonesia. Apart from being a residence for various flora and fauna, forests also provide great economic benefits. One type of forest that is important in an economic context is production forest. What exactly is meant by production forest, and who has the right to manage it in Indonesia?
Diversity of Avifauna (Birds) in the PT WBPU

Forests are one of the most valuable ecosystems on the face of the earth. In it there is a very diverse range of life, including avifauna or birds which play an important role in maintaining the balance of nature. Avifauna diversity not only provides the charm of natural beauty, but also has enormous benefits for the environment and humans. PT Wana Bakti Persada Utama
The Importance of Flora Diversity in PT WBPU

PT Wana Bakti Persada Utama (WBPU) carried out inventory data updating activities related to biodiversity in the company's concession area located in the Wehea Kelay Landscape in September 2023. One of the important points of this research is about the diversity of flora in this area. Together with the National Innovation Research Agency (BRIN) for Ecology and Ethnobiology Research, they noted that there were