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  5. PHPL Certification Activities in the PT WBPU Production Forest Concession Area

PHPL Certification Activities in the PT WBPU Production Forest Concession Area

In the midst of concerns about the impact of climate change and the decline in environmental quality, forest conservation efforts are becoming increasingly crucial. In Indonesia, as a country with abundant natural wealth, the existence of production forests is very vital. To ensure sustainable forest management, Sustainable Production Forest Management Certification (PHPL) is an irreplaceable standard.

Private companies that manage production forests in Indonesia such as PT Wana Bakti Persada Utama (WBPU) have a big responsibility in maintaining sustainable ecosystems and supporting the lives of local communities. In this context, PHPL certification becomes important not only as a regulatory compliance measure, but also as a real commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable development.

Therefore, PT WBPU carries out PHPL certification activities for production forests which are the company's concession rights. PT WBPU said that PHPL certification activities have been running since the beginning of February 2024.

There are 5 aspects that will be assessed in the PHPL certification activities at PT WBPU this time, namely the first is the requirements aspect, where PT WBPU as the production forest manager must comply with all applicable regulations and laws related to forest management, including environmental regulations, the rights of indigenous communities, and workers' rights.

Then, an assessment of the production aspect must ensure that production forest management, namely logging, is carried out wisely and sustainably, by following silvicultural principles that enable forest regeneration. Furthermore, there is an assessment of the social aspect which includes the relationship between forest managers, local communities and other related parties. Then assessment from an ecological aspect, ensuring that forest management is carried out with environmental sustainability in mind. This ecological aspect includes efforts to maintain forest biodiversity, including native flora and fauna, as well as endemic species that may be threatened by logging or other forest management activities.

Furthermore, the assessment of PHPL certification carried out by PT WBPU is an assessment of the wood legality aspect which ensures that the wood produced from the production forest is obtained legally and complies with all applicable regulations and regulations.

PT WBPU as one of the companies that manages production forests is certainly very aware of the importance of PHPL certification, because it provides concrete evidence that forest management activities are carried out responsibly, sustainably, and in accordance with standards set internationally and nationally. This helps build the company's reputation as a business player who cares about the environment, strengthens global market access, and ensures the sustainability of wood production and availability in the long term. Following are several important points of PHPL certification for production forest managers in Indonesia.

  1. Regulatory Compliance: PHPL certification indicates that a private company has met the forest management standards set by the government. This includes compliance with environmental laws, appropriate permits, and other obligations regulated by the state.
  2. Environmental Conservation: Through the certification process, companies are required to implement sustainable management practices. This includes preserving biodiversity, maintaining soil fertility, and ensuring ecosystem balance.
  3. International Recognition: PHPL certification provides international recognition for forest conservation efforts in Indonesia. This is important for building a company's image in a global market that is increasingly paying attention to sustainability.
  4. Access to Markets: Many international markets require that wood products and other forest products meet sustainability standards. PHPL certification provides easier access to these markets, increasing a company's competitiveness and long-term sustainability.

PHPL certification is not just a formality, but a real commitment to maintaining environmental sustainability and providing a positive impact on local communities. For private companies managing production forests in Indonesia, obtaining PHPL certification is an important step to maintain business and environmental sustainability for future generations.

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