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What is the Sustainable Forest Program?

Indonesia, as a country with abundant natural wealth, has a big responsibility in preserving the environment. One of the concrete steps taken is through the Sustainable Forest program. The Sustainable Forest Program in Indonesia is a Government initiative to manage forests sustainably, with a focus on conservation, restoration and wise use of natural resources. This program was launched in response to global concerns over deforestation and climate change. Launched in 2005, this program sets targets for preserving forests and repairing damage that has occurred.

The Sustainable Forest Program in Indonesia, which was initiated by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), is supported by the Central Government and Regional Governments. Concrete steps such as determining conservation areas, law enforcement, and local community participation are an integral part of implementing the program. In addition, collaboration with various parties, including non-governmental organizations, local communities and international institutions, also supports the smooth running of the Sustainable Forest program.

One of the non-government parties that has been given permission to carry out sustainable forest management is PT Wana Bakti Persada Utama (WBPU) which has received production forest concession rights covering an area of ​​44,402 hectares in the Essential Ecosystem Area or currently known as the Landscape Important Ecosystem Area (KEP). Wehea Kelay is located in East Kalimantan. This area is an area that has high biodiversity. Its unique existence makes it the focus of the Sustainable Forest program, which places it among conservation priorities.

PT WBPU really understands the biodiversity of the Wehea Kelay Landscape area which is an important habitat for Kalimantan orangutans. Biodiversity has been proven to include at least 28 species of mammals, 300 species of birds (avifauna), 321 types of forest plants that inhabit the Wehea Kelay Landscape area. Therefore, PT WBPU applies the principles of Sustainable forest management in its concession areas so that it can play an active role in reducing the negative impacts of logging and maintaining the preservation of wildlife and animals within the Company's operational areas.

PT WBPU is fully committed to implementing the Sustainable Forest program in every Company operational activity carried out in the concession area, by involving the community around the concession area, this is of course with the hope that it can become a model for production forest management that is in line with sustainable nature conservation.



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