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Production Forests and the Parties Who May Manage Them in Indonesia

Forests are one of the most valuable natural assets for Indonesia. Apart from being a residence for various flora and fauna, forests also provide great economic benefits. One type of forest that is important in an economic context is production forest. What exactly is meant by production forest, and who has the right to manage it in Indonesia?

What is Production Forest?

Production forest is a type of forest that is used sustainably for economic purposes, especially in the production of wood and non-timber forest products. In Indonesia, production forests have an important role in providing wood for industrial purposes, such as construction, furniture, etc. In addition, non-timber forest products produced from production forests also include various products such as latex, rattan and spices.

Production forests are divided into several categories based on their function, including:

  1.   Limited Production Forest (HPT): Production forest specifically for wood production by selective logging, where logging is carried out selectively to maintain forest sustainability.
  2.   Permanent Production Forest (HPT): Production forests that are managed intensively with a replanting system to obtain optimal wood yields within a certain period of time.
  3.   Renewable Production Forest (HPH): Production forests that are managed sustainably by considering the balance between logging and natural forest regeneration.

Who has the right to manage production forests in Indonesia?

Production forest management in Indonesia is regulated by the government through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Business entities, both private and State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), can apply for permits to manage production forests in accordance with the regulations in Law No. 41 paragraph 2 which regulates forest utilization business permits.

PT Wana Bakti Persada Utama (WPBU) is one of the private companies given the right to manage a 44,402 ha production forest area in the Wehea Kelay Important Ecosystem Area (KEP), East Kalimantan.

PT WBPU is committed to maintaining a balance between production, conservation and social responsibility which has an impact on the welfare of the people in the concession area itself through multi-business practices and forest management that is responsible for preserving nature.

In every production activity, PT WBPU always synergizes with indigenous communities around the company's concession areas. It is hoped that the presence of PT WBPU in the midst of indigenous communities in its concession areas can provide good and sustainable social and economic impacts, in order to create positive synergy between the company and the community.

Apart from that, the community can also be involved in managing production forests through the Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) and Community Plantation Forest (HTR) schemes. HTI is a production forest planted with tree species that have high economic value, while HTR is a production forest managed by local communities with the aim of meeting the need for wood and other forest products.

The existence of production forests is certainly very important to provide economic benefits while still paying attention to nature conservation. Strong cooperation and commitment from various parties, both government, private and community, is needed to manage this production forest so that it can always be productive and become a valuable legacy for future generations.



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