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  5. 100% Forest Inventory as PT WBPU's commitment to carrying out the RIL-C stages

100% Forest Inventory as PT WBPU's commitment to carrying out the RIL-C stages

Indonesia, as a country with abundant natural wealth, has a forestry sector which is one of the economic pillars. Production forest management, including production forest concessions, is a key element in maintaining a balance between the use of natural resources and environmental conservation.

Forestry practices play an important role in balancing the need for wood and environmental conservation. Therefore, Essential Ecosystem Areas emerged which are currently known as Important Ecosystem Areas (KEP), one of which is located between East Kutai and Berau Regencies, called the Wehea Landscape with an area of ​​532,143 Ha, and 44,402 Ha is a Production Forest concession managed by PT Wana Bakti Persada Utama (WBPU).

PT WBPU with its vision and mission as a production forest management company that is committed to maintaining a balance between production, conservation and social responsibility which has an impact on the welfare of the community in the concession area itself, through multi-business practices and forest management that is responsible for preserving nature.

To realize this, PT WBPU is consistent in implementing the Reduced Impact Logging - Carbon (RIL-C) method, a production method that not only focuses on wood extraction but also has the aim of reducing carbon emissions due to logging and increasing the absorption of carbon emissions from the atmosphere after logging.

Pada tahapan awal dalam pelaksanaan metode RIL-C dalam proses produksi di area konsesi hutan produksi, PT WBPU melakukan kegiatan inventarisasi hutan.  Tujuan dari inventarisasi hutan adalah pengumpulan data untuk mengetahui keadaan dan potensi sumber daya hutan serta lingkungannya secara lengkap.

Forest inventory activities are an important part of sustainable production forest management because by knowing the forest potential, PT WBPU will be able to take the next steps in making strategic decisions for sustainable sustainability.

Mengingat pentingnya kegiatan inventarisasi hutan ini, maka PT WBPU dari tanggal 10 oktober 2023 sampai dengan 31 maret 2024 melakukan kegiatan Inventarisasi Hutan 100%.  Hal ini menjadi bentuk komitmen perusahaan dalam menjalankan tahapan metode RIL- C.

What are the Benefits of 100% Forest Inventory Activities?

100% Forest Inventory is very beneficial for forest sustainability including:

  1. To determine the stand mass or volume of wood in the production forest area.
  2. To find out the types of wood that will be produced, protected and used as parent trees.
  3. Inventory will provide accurate data to prepare forest management activities efficiently and effectively.
  4. Companies can determine the structure of forest planning in terms of forest product utilization.

So this 100% Forest Inventory activity is a priority first step in determining how to utilize production forest resources in a sustainable manner.

Why does PT WBPU carry out 100% forest inventory activities

Pada dasarnya dalam pengelolaan hutan produksi, PT WBPU yang mempunyai konsesi di daerah Bentang Alam Wehea, mempunyai strategi dalam pengelolaannya yaitu mengedepankan ekologi, konservasi dan adaptasi (E K A).  Oleh karena itu inventarisasi hutan 100% sangat diperlukan untuk menjalankan strategi tersebut.

100% forest inventory does require quite high costs, but this will be directly proportional to its useful value. For example, PT WBPU management will maximally determine forest management costs, production and ecological policy strategies. With this inventory, it is not only about the benefits of wood obtained, but the value of ecological and conservation benefits is a priority for PT WBPU to fully support the prevention of global climate change and Folu Net Sink through this 100% Forest Inventory activity.

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