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  5. PT WBPU helps Long Lamcin and Long Pelay Villages Develop Medium-Term Development Plans

PT WBPU helps Long Lamcin and Long Pelay Villages Develop Medium-Term Development Plans

Achieving sustainable village development is a goal for many parties, including the government, local communities and the private sector. Private production forest companies such as PT Wana Bakti Persada Utama (WBPU) have considerable potential to partner with villages in preparing their medium term development plans strategically. 

Through strong partnerships, PT WBPU strives to make a substantial contribution to advancing the villages around the company's concession area and improving the welfare of local communities. In line with this commitment, PT WBPU collaborated with the Nastari Foundation in March 2024 to facilitate the medium-term development plans for traditional villages, Kampung Long Lamcin and Kampung Long Pelay, in Hulu Kelay, East Kalimantan Province.

PT WBPU's contribution to formulating the medium-term development plans followed letters requesting help from Kampung Long Lamcin and Kampung Long Pelay. The company’s assistance included facilitating participatory village deliberations between all village members and stakeholders to acquire information, perspectives and data. The village deliberations identified the potential and opportunities for using village resources in both Kampungs and the challenges faced by the villages in both areas.

The ideas unearthed during the village meeting provided the foundation for the community to formulate proposed action plans covering village administration, village development, community development, local empowerment, and disaster and emergency management.

In preparing the plan, steps were taken to produce a work plan that enabled the village development to proceed in an organized manner that avoided focusing exclusively on physical infrastructure but also addressed social, economic, cultural, and environmental aspects that affect residents' daily lives. These steps comprised the following:

  1. Analyzing feasibility and needs: The initial stage of formulating the medium term development plans involved identifying each village’s potential and primary needs. The parties used comprehensive feasibility studies and analysis to understand the village's conditions and set development priorities.
  2. Building community Participation: Effectively preparing medium term development plans requires active participation from all levels in the community. Group discussions, open forums and community surveys are some of the methods used to gather input and understand the aspirations of village residents.
  3. Setting a Vision and Objectives: After analyzing the results of the community consultations, the village's medium-term vision and objectives are determined. This vision provides a guide for formulating development strategies and policies.
  4. Preparing Programs and Activities: The vision and objectives guide the preparation of development programs and activities. The programs encompass a range of fields, including infrastructure, education, health, culture, the economy, the environment and culture.
  5. Allocating budgets and resources: After deciding on the programs and activities, the resources and budget for implementing them must be allocated carefully. Funding may come from various sources, such as government budgets, civil society funds, other grants, and outside assistance.
  6. Monitoring and Evaluation: A medium term development plan is not a static document. It should be continuously adapted to a village's evolving conditions. A regular monitoring and evaluation mechanism is essential for assessing progress, identifying obstacles, and making strategic adjustments.

Hopefully, a well-structured medium term development plan will deliver benefits that enable targeted and sustainable development in each kampung while addressing present needs without jeopardizing future wellbeing. Additionally, local engagement in developing the plan will build a sense of ownership among residents, encouraging them to actively participate in developing their community. By tackling social, economic, cultural, and environmental issues, the plan seeks to enhance everyone’s standard of living.

Participatory discussions were conducted in each village and during PT WBPU's assistance in formulating the medium term development plan. The document is now being refined with the Nastari Foundation facilitating. This draft document will provide the basis for each village to hold community discussions and review the prepared plan.

Formulating the medium term development plan for Kampung Long Lamcin and Kampung Long Pelay marks a crucial step in developing the villages around PT WBPU's concession area. Through active community involvement, efficient resource management, and a focus on sustainable development, the plan for each community is vital to achieving inclusive and sustainable development for all villagers.

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