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  5. PT WBPU Strategy in Production Forest Management to Achieve the 2030 Net Sink FOLU Target

PT WBPU Strategy in Production Forest Management to Achieve the 2030 Net Sink FOLU Target

Indonesia, with its abundant natural wealth, has great challenges and responsibilities in protecting its ecosystem, especially production forests. As one of the countries with the largest forest area in the world, Indonesia has an important role in global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and maintain environmental balance. Through the Forests, Agriculture, and Land Use (FOLU) initiative, Indonesia has committed to becoming a net sink (net absorber of carbon emissions) by 2030. To achieve this goal, transformation in the management of natural production forests is a must, including the important role of private companies in its implementation.

PT Wana Bakti Persada Utama (WBPU) as one of the private companies that has production forest concession rights covering an area of ​​44,402 hectares in the Wehea Kelay landscape in East Kalimantan Province, supports the achievement of the 2030 FOLU Net Sink target, namely by implementing the Economic, Conservation, Adaptation sustainability strategy. (E.K.A).

In the economic aspect, PT WBPU strives to improve the economy for the company, employees and communities around the forest. Through various production plans, carrying out stages of implementing Reduced Impact Logging – Carbon (RIL-C) in production activities. Apart from that, PT WBPU is also active in certifying environmentally friendly forest management practices such as Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification and Sustainable Production Forest Management (PHPL) certification.

In managing its production forest concession area, PT WBPU also prioritizes conservation aspects. namely by developing a High Conservation Value (HCV) area, namely an area with high conservation value within the PT WBPU concession area.

PT WBPU also seeks to conserve biodiversity in production forest concession areas, because even though production forest companies have the aim of obtaining timber or other forest products, biodiversity is important to contribute to the balance of the ecosystem as a whole. It includes interactions between various species of plants, animals, and microorganisms that support nutrient cycling, pollination, and various other important ecological processes.

Apart from conserving biodiversity, PT WBPU also carries out genetic conservation for sustainability with an approach that aims to protect the genetic diversity of tree species in forests managed by the company. This activity also aims to ensure that PT WBPU can ensure that the tree population planted or managed has sufficient genetic diversity. This will increase the tree's ability to survive and adapt to environmental changes, such as climate change, pest attacks, or disease.

For the adaptation aspect, PT WBPU implements various efforts such as carbon absorption efforts, agroforestry, intensive plant silviculture, ecotourism, water resources empowerment, and bioenergy management. PT WBPU also carries out research involving collaboration with national and international institutions in order to increase understanding and practice of sustainability in the management of the company's production forest concession areas.

In this adaptation aspect, PT WBPU is also actively carrying out technological updates in its production activities, namely by using Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) and Logfisher technology. The application of these two technologies has brought significant changes in the way PT WBPU understands and manages production forests, and can strengthen the implementation of the RIL-C method, and maintain a balance between the use of forest resources and environmental preservation for future generations.

Of course, the transformation of production forest management to achieve the 2030 FOLU net sink target has broad implications and significant challenges. One of the main challenges is the involvement of all stakeholders and strong law enforcement against illegal practices that damage the environment. In addition, social and economic changes are also needed to support the transition to a sustainable economic model.

Transforming natural production forest management is a crucial step in achieving the 2030 FOLU net sink target in Indonesia. PT WBPU as one of the companies that manages production forests has an important role in implementing this transformation through forest conservation and restoration, application of green technology, collaboration and partnerships, as well as support for incentive systems that support sustainable forest management practices. With strong cooperation between the government, society and the private sector, Indonesia can become a role model in efforts to conserve forests and mitigate climate change globally.

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